Outsourcing is nothing more than the search, on the part of the companies, for the leasing of corporate spaces offered by professional real estate investors, either by means of properties ready and available for occupation or even of new constructions to be made to measure for your operation. .

In practice: Your company needs to put a new factory or distribution center into operation and, instead of buying the land and building the facilities bearing all the costs and risks, which are not your main business, you are looking for the New Group Alliance that has projects ready. If your operation needs a specific infrastructure, we can build it according to the needs of the business and rent it to your company.


Following a global trend, in Brazil more and more large companies are joining the outsourcing of their real estate assets. Check out the advantages:

1 – Outsourcing of project and work risks to the New Alliance Group,

2 – The client has a specialized team from the New Alliance Group to offer the most appropriate solutions for its business.

3 – The client does not immobilize its capital in real estate assets and has more available working capital to invest in its operation.

4 – Tax benefits, since the lease is an expense deductible from the income tax base.

5 – Balance sheet with greater liquidity.

6 – Customers are also benefited by the long-term partnership with the New Alliance Group, which will be able to invest in the modernization and expansion of its structures.


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